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Musical Social Network

Current implementation state

Current state

The client application includes multiple screens, some of which share the same fragment to display different content. Navigation is performed through tab/swipe navigation; in addition, buttons on certain screen redirect to dialogs or other screens. The client communicates with a server application running on a droplet configured with Ubuntu. Commuication follows REST principles and primarily uses JSON to transport data. The server hosts a database of users, clips, and relationships, and this data is used to provide the content for the client to populate lists in various screens. The client app also connects with the Spotify API to get information about the user’s liked tracks, and can play music through Spotify using the Spotify App Remote SDK. Authentication is performed both through Google sign-in and through Spotify OpenId OAuth 2.0 sign-in. The app also contains many custom vector icons, as well as some standard vector icons from the built-in clip-art library.


Aesthetic stretch goals

Functional stretch goals

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