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Musical Social Network

Data Definition Language (DDL)

create sequence hibernate_sequence start with 1 increment by 1;
create table clip
    clip_id          bigint       not null,
    album            varchar(255),
    artist           varchar(255) not null,
    begin_timestamp  bigint       not null,
    date_time_posted timestamp    not null,
    end_timestamp    bigint       not null,
    song_title       varchar(255) not null,
    track_key        varchar(255) not null,
    user_id          bigint       not null,
    primary key (clip_id)
create table relationship
    relationship_id     bigint  not null,
    friend_accepted     boolean,
    friend_relationship boolean not null,
    requested_id        bigint  not null,
    requester_id        bigint  not null,
    primary key (relationship_id)
create table user_profile
    user_id        bigint       not null,
    email          varchar(255) not null,
    favorite_genre varchar(255),
    oauth          varchar(255) not null,
    username       varchar(255) not null,
    primary key (user_id)
create index IDX3tec6bpdraaqvsh6cognpbyse on clip (date_time_posted);
create unique index UKpo6uwivd8ct8jygubrc3v3rt0 on relationship (requester_id, requested_id);
alter table user_profile
    add constraint UK_pil844ub103gqirid42xhxx6m unique (oauth);
alter table user_profile
    add constraint UK_9551piq2wp9kh4kket0wr65vt unique (username);
alter table clip
    add constraint FKeun14qvjc74070h0rarbsk0ug foreign key (user_id) references user_profile;
alter table relationship
    add constraint FKaxm86ithcyne7dpeqwn8t2b foreign key (requested_id) references user_profile;
alter table relationship
    add constraint FKh7jjvc6gwtqfy926k5hmgfj47 foreign key (requester_id) references user_profile;

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