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Musical Social Network

Instructions for Building and Using

Instructions for Building

  1. Go to the TuneFull GitHub repository.

  2. Click on Clone or download.

  3. Make sure Clone with SSH is selected and click the clipboard icon to copy the SSH key.

  4. Use the IntelliJ Check out from Version Control/Git (from the welcome screen) or File/New/Project from Version Control/Git (from the workspace) command to clone.

  5. Once downloaded, build the project by clicking the green hammer icon or Build Project in Build Menu.

  6. If desired, repeat Previous steps to download and run the TuneFull Server locally. The server is currently running in the cloud as well.

  7. Make sure is configured to direct to either your local server or to the cloud. This file should be stored in a services directory in this location: (projectDir/../../../services/

  8. Once finished building, run the Server side project if desired so that a connection with endpoints can be established, then run the Client Application by clicking the green arrow icon or Run app from Run menu.

  9. IMPORTANT: the app will not function properly if you do not have the Spotify app installed. You must log in to the Spotify app as well as to the TuneFull app.

Instructions for Using

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