User Persona
Name: Bethany Ford
Age: 48
Occupation: Administrative Assistant at Green Lakes Academy
Technology: Phone: Samsung Galaxy 5
Attitude: Stalwart, Demure, Devoted to friends, “Glass half-full” type
Wants to feel involved with her friends
Requests a relaxing platform for browsing in her downtime
Wants to experience new music to listen to throughout the day
Fed up with politics in social media
Technology is becoming too complex, most platforms have too much going on
Strongly opposed to nonstop targeted advertisements
User Story:
I like to keep up with my friends on social media, but recently have become so burnt out with all of the negativity. I need a social network that is positive so I can connect with friends without extra stress, and TuneFull lets me do that.
Use Case:
Title: Slow day at work
Description: Taking a few minutes out of the day to listen to music that my friends post
Name of user & their role: Bethany, an administrative assistant who wants to have positive moments connecting with friends over music
Usage Preconditions: Has a compatible device and has downloaded TuneFull. Must have internet connection and set up an account prior to connect with friends
Usage post conditions: After listening to ad-free music shared by her friends she once again sees the glass as “half-full”
Interaction Flow:
Bethany opens TuneFull.
She then logs in her credentials from the home page.
She clicks on her TuneFull feed to see what her friends are posting.
Upon clicking a music clip posted by her neighbor she enjoys the sweet sounds of Duke Ellington for 30 seconds.
After listening to an embedded sound bite she has a new appreciation for jazz and promptly texts her neighbor.
Frequency of Use: Every day.