User Persona
Name: Jackson Riley
Age: 34
Occupation: Lawyer at Hodgson, Daniel, and Daniels
Technology: Phone: Google Pixel 4a
Attitude: Cultured, Overworked, Outgoing, Inquisitive, Slightly Obsessive
Wants a way to de-stress during his short breaks from work
Needs to discover new types of music
Needs a way to connect with people in brief interactions that do not detract from his work
Not having enough time to pursue his hobbies and passions
Always listening to the same songs because he doesn’t have time to find other music he likes
Due to not getting out of the office enough, he yearns for interactions with people
User Story:
As a music lover, I live to discover new music–but I’m a busy person, and don’t have time to listen to whole songs. TuneFull allows me to listen to short clips of music, so I can find more new music in less time.
Use Case:
Title: Mid-afternoon coffee break
Description: Discovering new music with a limited timeframe
Name of user & their role: Jackson, an overworked lawyer who wants to find new music to help him cope with his high-stress job
Usage Preconditions: Has a compatible device and has downloaded TuneFull. Must have an internet connection.
Usage post conditions: Jackson has discovered a new artist who he enjoys. The music has made him feel calm and ready to face his next case.
Interaction Flow:
Jackson opens TuneFull.
He logs in and is immediately presented with the Discover feature.
After entering Discover, he is faced with a plethora of new music to choose from.
After listening to a couple of recently-posted clips, he finds one he really enjoys.
He looks up the artist on the Spotify app, and adds all the artist’s songs to his after-work playlist.
Frequency of Use: A few times every week.